I generally like using TaskWarrior to manage my tasks but I’ve found that, for daily recurring stuff, it just doesn’t feel quite right.
As such, I’ve put together a little tasklib-based glue script, runnable as a user cronjob if you set DISPLAY, which presents tasks due before the end of today (defined as 1:00:01 AM, local time, to work around a quirk caused by TiddlyWiki’s ignorance of daylight saving’s time) in a zenity checklist dialog.
It looks like this:
Clicking OK will commit the changes and then redisplay the dialog with refreshed content while clicking Cancel will quit the tool. The redisplay behaviour, window size, warning period, and zenity command can be customized by editing constants at the top of the file.
It’s available on GitHub Gist, as embedded below and here’s the download link. A requirements.txt is included which will install all of the dependencies except zenity.
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About the Author
I'm Stephan, a Linux user with a passion for open-source, UI/UX design, and exploring what makes fiction work.
In my spare time, I focus on (and write about):
Programming (mainly in Python and Rust)
Retrocomputing (mostly DOS but, as of January 2023, I also own a machine running Mac OS 9.2)
Reading and Reviewing Fiction
The odd bit of UI/UX design or literary theory
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