About the Author
I'm Stephan, a Linux user with a passion for open-source, UI/UX design, and exploring what makes fiction work.
In my spare time, I focus on (and write about):
- Programming (mainly in Python and Rust)
- Retrocomputing (mostly DOS but, as of January 2023, I also own a machine running Mac OS 9.2)
- Reading and Reviewing Fiction
- The odd bit of UI/UX design or literary theory
For notification of significant updates to existing posts, consider following me on Mastodon.
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Daily Archives: 2011-10-01
Installing a new Ttk/Tile theme
By a lucky coincidence, I discovered that PySolFC comes with a Clearlooks pixmap theme nicer than the built-in one I was using. Unfortunately, there seemed to be no documentation on how to install your own Ttk themes beyond forum posts … Continue reading
Posted in Geek Stuff