Fanfiction – “Comes The Cold Dragon”

Title: Comes The Cold Dragon
URL: @
Author: Don Granberry
Source: Ranma 1/2
Rating: 6/6
Type: Continuation, Epic
Length: 18 Chapters in 33 files (roughly 120K per file)(Incomplete)

Very well written and I love the humor. Especially the parts which are written in a similar fashion to The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy. To put it bluntly, “chapter two is fricken hilarious!”. There are also bits of humor scattered throughout the storyline. For example, “You and your dad must have fit in around there like socks on a rooster.” …and later on in the story, there are some hilarious malapropisms. (I probably wouldn’t have remembered that word if the author hadn’t used it himself)

I also love the parts focusing on many of the secondary characters from China, especially prince Herb. They really add depth to the characters. I also have to compliment the author on the quality of the original characters.

Anyway, the basic plotline is “What if, shortly after the end of the Ranma manga, Ranma is showing all the classic symptoms of combat fatigue, and a strange new ability?” The story focuses on both Ranma (and a newfound ability of his) and all of the usual craziness surrounding him. This is my second time reading the story and I think it definitely deserves a 6/6.

The first time I read this, it had only been written up to the end of chapter 8 and I considered it very well written. Now that I’ve read it even further, I can honestly say that the author has infused the story with not only a great deal of humor, but a great deal of knowledge too. As with any good fanfic, there’s a gradual change so the beginning feels like a completely different story from the end but you never notice the actual change in progress.

+1 Writing a story that has prince Herb as more than a minor character
+1 Providing an original (and quite nice) origin story for Jusenkyo
-0.5 Uses fanon Nabiki but does it well

CC BY-SA 4.0 Fanfiction – “Comes The Cold Dragon” by Stephan Sokolow is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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1 Response to Fanfiction – “Comes The Cold Dragon”

  1. Raymund Gabriel M. Flores says:


    I have just finished reading the 18 chapters of “Comes The Cold Dragon” and I completely agree with your comments. The story’s plot, additional characters and character twists do add a certain dimension to the original made by Rumiko Takahashi.

    I just hope Don Granberry finds the time to finish the story because IT REALLY IS GREAT.



    If by any chance Don Granberry is reading this, please, please, PLEASE finish Comes The Cold Dragon. You left us hanging and wanting for more.

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