Daily Archives: 2008-02-16

Linux – Disabling the Screensaver, xkill-Style

Ever wanted a nice comfy way to tell your system “Disable the screensaver until this window closes”? If so, drop this shell script onto your system and make sure that you’ve got the xwininfo, xdg-screensaver, and awk commands installed. When … Continue reading

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Art – Postcards From Our Awesome Future

Wish You Were Here! Postcards From Our Awesome Future While reading the news page on OpenClipart.org, I ran across these interesting and entertaining images. Definitely worth a look and, if you want to use the bits of art from them … Continue reading

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Humor – Super Saiyan no Jutsu

deviantART – Super Saiyan no Jutsu Don’t you just hate how Naruto has become the new Dragonball Z? 🙂

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