Fanfiction – Truths Revealed Lies Exposed

Title: Truths Revealed Lies Exposed by VFSNAKE
Fandom: Star Wars
Status: Complete
Rating: 4.5 out of 5

I don’t normally read Star Wars fanfiction, since I never really got into the extended universe as a kid, but every fandom can produce at least one thing I might be interested in.

This story is built around a simple premise: What if young Leia had overheard her adopted parents talking about her biological father and brother, then took a calculated risk when faced with interrogation by Darth Vader.

It is also one of the small number of stories that I’ve read a second time.

While the need to keep Palpatine and the moffs in the dark results in this story following the rough details of the original trilogy canon, it does its best to be original in every other way possible.

Motivations are changed or built upon, many many new scenes are added, focusing much more on the rebels who got no significant screen time in the original roles, and it incorporates characters who were retconned into the timeline, such as Qui-Gon’s force ghost, Mara Jade, and Ahsoka Tano.

In general, It makes for an engaging blend of the expected and the unexpected which serves as a backdrop while the drama and intrigue take centre stage.

However, while all of that is just “a good read”, there are two elements which manage to go beyond that and their elegance is what prompted me to write this review, despite it occupying relatively little “screen time”:


Once Anakin’s plans are revealed to the reader, it sets up a poetic “For want of a nail, the republic was lost. Given that nail, the destroyer will restore it.” symmetry to close off the unaltered canon events:

For fear of losing his family, Anakin Skywalker destroyed the republic. Given his family, he will rebuild it.

I find that especially clever when paired with Mon Mothma’s descent into a Palpatine-like role in the story at the hands of her own flawed convictions.

Just as the Jedi council’s refusal to see their own faults spelled their downfall. Mon Mothma’s refusal to reconsider her preconceptions about Vader and his role in Padme’s death leaves her the leader of the withering terrorist organization that the Rebel Alliance becomes.

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Concentrated Feels

Last Updated:
2017-08-03 (Added “Day is Done”)
2017-08-04 (Elaborated about “Gates of Dawn”)
2017-12-24 (Added the Civilization 6 launch trailer)
2018-03-21 (Added “I Am Australian” and “Gentle Arms of Eden”)
2019-09-09 (Added Fantasia 2000’s segment for Stravinsky’s Firebird)
2020-07-15 (Added Joe Scott’s presentation of the Voyager Golden Record)

No matter whether we stand unmoved in the face of tragedy, or cry at the drop of a hat, we all have those moments which stand out in our memories as having touched us like nothing else.

For me, it’s music and certain types of deeply poetic insight that reaches through my emotional armor and, even then, only incredibly rarely. So, I decided, what better excuse for a blog post than to list the handful of pieces which brought a tear to my eye. …because, highs or lows, it’s emotion which makes life worth remembering.

NOTE: I’m not the greatest at listing my own memories, so I will extend this as I remember more things.

Poetic Insights

A Reading from Pale Blue Dot by Carl Sagan
This beautiful telling of our place in the universe, set to music from Sagan’s original Cosmos documentary series, was the first YouTube video to move me, and it’s something I wish everyone could hear at least once in their lives.
A Universe Not Made For Us by Carl Sagan (ed. Callum C. J. Sutherland)
It should come as no surprise that the second video on this list is also by Carl Sagan. (In fact, it’s an edited down chapter from the same source: The audiobook release of Pale Blue Dot)
In this case, what moves me is the ending, where, after a slow build up, it finishes with “If we crave some cosmic purpose, then let us find ourselves a worthy goal.”
The Story of Human Rights
At first, this is a good, but otherwise fairly ordinary educational video… but it’s the reading of the Eleanor Roosevelt quote, at the end, set into all of the context the video provides, which does the trick:

Where, after all, do universal human rights begin? In small places, close to home – so close and so small that they cannot be seen on any maps of the world. Yet they are the world of the individual person; the neighborhood he lives in; the school or college he attends; the factory, farm, or office where he works. Such are the places where every man, woman, and child seeks equal justice, equal opportunity, equal dignity without discrimination. Unless these rights have meaning there, they have little meaning anywhere.


’39 by Queen
IMPORTANT: I strongly recommend you listen to this song before reading my description and again after, since guessing what it’s actually about is a lot of fun. With that said, onward…
This bittersweet piece is about a group of space explorers who return home in triumph to find all of their loved ones dead of old age. I always get a tear in my eye when the final verse rolls around and changes one of the recurring couplets from “Write your letters in the sand for the day I take your hand” to “All your letters in the sand cannot heal me like your hand”
Shy Heart by Ponyphonic
Don’t let the fact that this is technically a My Little Pony fan-song turn you off. It never explicitly mentions the series and there are plenty of other people, both real and fictional, who fit this moving piece just as readily.
In this song, it’s hard to point to a specific part which always bring a tear to my eye and a hitch to my voice, but the portions of the chorus with a touch of vocal harmony and the final few bars of the violin solo are especially beautiful.
Day Is Done by Peter, Paul, and Mary
For those who have never heard it, this stunningly beautiful Vietnam-era protest song needs no war to remain poignant. Comforting a fearful child and being faced with trying to explain why sadness exists in the world are timeless aspects of the human condition, as is the sense of hope a parent feels in their child’s innocent optimism and the worry over the world they will inherit. Add in audience participation during the chorus and this song has an emotional power which ensures its status as a timeless classic.
For something I found less moving but no less beautiful, I’d also recommend “Lemon Tree” and their version of Blowin’ in the Wind.
Gates of Dawn by Secret Garden
This one is somewhat conditional. It doesn’t do anything for me anymore, but I did like it so much that I practically listened to it on repeat until I got sick of it. I remember that it used to move me at least some of the time.
The song is, in essence, a musical expression of the sense of spiritual awe we feel when we look at the majesty of the world around us and wonder.
Whether or not it moves you, it can’t be disputed that it’s a very beautiful piece.
The Jurassic Park Theme by John Williams
…and, I’ve saved the best (of this initial batch) for last. In the movie or on its own.
Where so much music tries to be a tribute to our sense of wonder, or the accomplishments of a single person or small group of people, this piece is a soaring salue to the power of our vision and ingenuity as a species… and the “big reveal” portion moves me so much that I have trouble keeping my eyes open.
(Though I do have to qualify that. Not all recordings do it for me. Sometimes, the people playing the instruments just don’t manage to convey that sense of emotion in how they play those notes at the climax of the melody.)
I Am Australian by The Seekers (written by Bruce Woodley and Dobe Newton)
I may be Canadian, but this is what a patriotic song should be. Not only did it bring a hitch to my voice and moisten my eyes the first time I heard it, it painted a picture I wanted to be part of while in the grips of the experience.
The atmospheric backing track that it leads with does a beautiful job of setting up the atmosphere but the two things which really make the track are Judith Durham’s characteristically gorgeous and powerful voice and the feel the song exudes of being “a family of disparate cultures” without the choice between jingoism and cheap ego that American patriotism seems to exude.
Gentle Arms of Eden by Dave Carter and Tracy Grammer
Another one that I’ve listened to a lot, yet, whenever I come back to it, it still manages to hit me. Specifically, when it begins the chorus with that line, “This is my home. This is my only home. This is the only sacred ground that I have ever known.”
It just feels like a warmer, more emotional expression of the sentiment in the famous excerpt from Sagan’s Pale Blue Dot which I linked to further up this list.
That said, while that’s the part which really hits me, I also love the overall narrative expressed. To me, it feels reminiscent of (yet distinct from) both Gates of Dawn and the latter half of the second verse of “I Am Australian”, where Judith Durham is singing about the environmental characteristics which make Australia what it is. (from “I’m the hot wind from the desert” through “The spirit of this great land. I am Australian.”)


The Civilization VI Launch Trailer
Set to an instrumental version of Christopher Tin’s Sogno di Volare (“The Dream of Flight”) (the game’s title theme), the launch trailer for Civilization 6 is probably the only trailer of any kind to ever bring a hitch to my voice and a tear to my eye with its combination of triumphant music and narration about the nature of the human spirit… and I’m apparently not the only one as Christopher Tin himself was moved to tears when they were recording the backing track.
The Firebird segment from Disney’s Fantasia 2000
I chose not to file this under “music” because the animation is so essential to the emotional effect that just listening to Stravinsky’s Firebird on its own wouldn’t do it for me.
For those who haven’t seen or don’t remember Fantasia 2000, the segment follows a spirit of nature, awakened from a drop of meltwater by a stag, as she brings about spring. Tragically, her curiosity about why her greenery won’t grow on the mountain (volcano) looming over her forest prompts her to accidentally awaken the spirit of destruction within. It proceeds to consume her forest and her with it, but life springs eternal. After being breathed back into existence from the ashes, she discovers that her tears still bear the power to summon forth new life, prompting a triumphant and emotionally moving climax where she regrows the entire forest and covers the slopes of the now slumbering volcano in greenery.
Maybe it’s just because all the work I put into my synopsis caused it to hit me harder than usual, but this was the first time I’ve ever had a piece of media graduate from making my eyes wet to actually having to wipe a tear off my cheek, and I’m surprised it took me so long to remember to add it to this list.
The Golden Record segment from Voyager At 40: Humanity’s Eternal Message In A Bottle | Answers With Joe
…because Joe managed to put together the most moving presentation of what’s encoded on the Voyager Golden Record that I’ve yet seen.

How about you? What hit you in the feels more than anything else? Share in the comments and maybe we can build up a list guaranteed to move any visitor.

Posted in Web Wandering & Opinion | 1 Comment

Rust: Looping on a member variable without mutably borrowing self

The Story

Late last night, I stumbled upon a rather clever hack in one of my Rust projects.

I’d been working on an iterator which implements grapheme-aware CamelCase word-splitting when I decided to do some cleanup and ran cargo clippy rather than the much quicker cargo test I’d been using to iterate on it.

Not-surprisingly, given how much I’ve been letting myself get carried away with my hobby projects and “coding while half-asleep”, it popped up some warnings, but this is the one which started things off:

warning: this loop could be written as a `for` loop
 --> src/util/naming/
260 | / while let Some((byte_offset, grapheme)) = {
261 | | // Extract the base `char` so `classify_char` can call things like `is_uppercase`
262 | | let base = grapheme.chars().nth(0).expect("non-empty grapheme cluster");
263 | |
... |
280 | | }
281 | | }
    | |_________^ help: try `for (byte_offset, grapheme) in self.in_iter { .. }`
    = note: #[warn(while_let_on_iterator)] on by default
    = help: for further information visit

Sounds reasonable, so I tried the suggested syntax and got a new error:

error[E0507]: cannot move out of borrowed content
 --> src/util/naming/
260 | for (byte_offset, grapheme) in self.in_iter {
 | ^^^^ cannot move out of borrowed content

Well, I may be tired out of my mind, but I recognized what that error meant in theory, so I tried adding &.

error[E0277]: the trait bound `&unicode_segmentation::GraphemeIndices<'_>: std::iter::Iterator` is not satisfied
   --> game_launcher_core/src/util/naming/
262 | / for (byte_offset, grapheme) in &(self.in_iter) {
263 | | // Extract the base `char` so `classify_char` can call things like `is_uppercase`
264 | | let base = grapheme.chars().nth(0).expect("non-empty grapheme cluster");
265 | |
... |
282 | | }
283 | | }
    | |_________^ the trait `std::iter::Iterator` is not implemented for `&unicode_segmentation::GraphemeIndices<'_>`
    = note: `&unicode_segmentation::GraphemeIndices<'_>` is not an iterator; maybe try calling `.iter()` or a similar method
    = note: required by `std::iter::IntoIterator::into_iter`

Now, my tiredness bit me. It never occurred to me that a unicode_segmentation::GraphemeIndices needs to be mutably bound to work, nor that “not implemented for &” said nothing about whether it was implemented for &mut.

Completely stumped, I popped over to  #rust where, after blindly trying several helpful suggestions, I finally tried &mut self.in_iter.

That would normally have worked… except for one small problem:

error[E0499]: cannot borrow `*self` as mutable more than once at a time
   --> game_launcher_core/src/util/naming/
262 |         for (byte_offset, grapheme) in &mut self.in_iter {
    |                                             ------------ first mutable borrow occurs here
277 |                 CCaseAction::Skip => { self._next_word(byte_offset, true) },
    |                                        ^^^^ second mutable borrow occurs here
283 |         }
    |         - first borrow ends here

error[E0499]: cannot borrow `*self` as mutable more than once at a time
   --> game_launcher_core/src/util/naming/
262 |         for (byte_offset, grapheme) in &mut self.in_iter {
    |                                             ------------ first mutable borrow occurs here
278 |                 CCaseAction::StartWord => { self._next_word(byte_offset, false) },
    |                                             ^^^^ second mutable borrow occurs here
283 |         }
    |         - first borrow ends here

error[E0499]: cannot borrow `*self` as mutable more than once at a time
   --> game_launcher_core/src/util/naming/
262 |         for (byte_offset, grapheme) in &mut self.in_iter {
    |                                             ------------ first mutable borrow occurs here
279 |                 CCaseAction::AlreadyStartedWord => { self._next_word(prev_offset, false) },
    |                                                      ^^^^ second mutable borrow occurs here
283 |         }
    |         - first borrow ends here

The code calls &mut self methods inside the loop body and, because the loop returns before exhausting the iterator, I can’t mem::replace it out of the binding.

In short, I had stumbled upon the one way to do this, on my first try, completely by accident, and, were it not for a naïve Clippy lint, I would have never realized how special  this syntax is.

It was around that point that the wheel-bound hamster powering my brain woke up long enough for me to start making the connections and ask the last few questions necessary for it to all make sense…

The Reasoning

The problem here is a collision between two characteristics of Rust’s design:

  1. for works via the IntoIterator trait, which means that, as far as the compiler knows, releasing and re-borrowing the resulting iterator would discard the iteration state and start over. (ie. There’s no magic in the compiler to to recognize when it’s already got an iterator.)
  2. My self._next_word takes a mutable borrow over all of &self …which will fail if for is still holding a reference to one of its members.

The clever trick behind while let Some(...) = is that it bypasses IntoIterator. As such, the compiler can be certain that self.in_iter won’t go away between iterations, and can release the borrow.

As a result, you’re left with something that functions like a for loop, but only holds onto the item which the iterator returned, leaving self free to be borrowed, in its entirety, by all and sundry.

So, there you have it. If you’re writing a struct which holds onto an iterator and your for loop is making things difficult by blocking method calls, try bypassing IntoIterator. Get an iterator manually, then reformulate your loop to use while let Some(...) instead.

If Clippy complains, add #[allow(while_let_on_iterator)] and get on with your day.

P.S. Don’t worry about the “coding while half-asleep” part. I write my unit test suites and audit/refactor the previous day’s work while wide-awake and alert. 😉

Posted in Geek Stuff | 1 Comment

Recommended Battlestar Galactica “Earth-contact” fics

Last Updated: 2019-09-13 (Added “The Phoenix and the Wolverine”)

I’ve always enjoyed first-contact fics, because they’re a good way to stir up groups of people and see how they react. No plan survives contact with the enemy and no worldview survives first contact.

…but, in the case of Battlestar Galactica, having them find an Earth of comparable social development is often even better, because they’re not just going in with any old expectations, they have deeply held preconceptions about what they should find.

That makes for a rather unique “flavour”, but, like any slice of a fandom you look for, there’s a big gulf between the rare cream of the crop, and everything else.

…so, without further ado, here is my list of those special “Earth-contact” fics which deserve a read:

Best of the Best

The Consequences Of Not Being Polite by The Sidhe
Length: 266,212 Words
Status: Complete
Crossover: None
Strongest Element: Managing to feel like a sci-fi novel
In this fic, the fleeing colonial refugees are discovered by a forward patrol from an Earth at least a thousand years more advanced and slowly pushing back an equally advanced enemy descended from terran velociraptors.As is the case with most good “one side could curb-stomp the other” stories, this is a story about exploring and adjusting the worldviews of the less advanced factions, with the cylons also eventually coming to the table after Cavil’s failed attempt to ally with the raptors instead.I think one of the biggest reasons this appeals to me is how much effort the author puts into developing the backstory for the setting, which gives it a fairly strong “sci-fi novel” feel to it, rather than the generic “fanfic based on a sci-fi TV show or game” feel that I get from most fanfics.I’ve re-read this at least twice and I’d recommend that you give it a try if you’re even remotely interested in contact fics that don’t focus on combat.

Another story I can suggest with the same broad strokes but different details is Pandora’s Scions by NorJC. Sadly, it’s unfinished, and it’s not as memorably creative in its world-building, but it’s still novel-length, an enjoyable read and, starting about two thirds of the way through, it starts to offer up some memorable scenes exploring the Cylons as people.

Reunions Are A BitchDeleted by Bob Regent
Length: 349,784 Words
Status: Incomplete
Crossover: Stargate: SG-1
Strongest Element: Capturing the complexity and misunderstanding which drive wartime politics
In this Stargate SG-1 crossover (which had to be renamed on, after making contact with the Prometheus, the leadership of the Twelve Colonies decides that it would be good business and good politics to “reunite with the 13th colony”, by force if necessary.What I like about this story is that it’s a believable blending of the two settings with sort of a Cold War-esque dynamic:

  • Earth’s almost-nonexistent but much more advanced space defences barely fight off the massive Colonial fleet, but a few nuclear missiles do wind up hitting the planet.
  • The first act of the story leaves both sides assuming the other is much more prepared to counterattack and scrambling to build up defences.
  • World-changing events happen because of honest mistakes, ill-considered decisions, and greed.
  • Cylon infiltrators in Earth POW camps eventually ask for asylum.

An engaging fic which is one of the handful I’ve re-read over the years. Definitely one I’d recommend despite it being unfinished.

Gods Among Us by arturus
Length: 239,661 Words
Status: Incomplete
Crossover: Harry Potter, Stargate: SG-1
Strongest Element: World-building, lore, and exploring the cylons as characters
While not an Earth-contact fic in the strictest sense, given that Harry Potter and Hermione Granger come to them and their origins are kept secret until well into the story, this certainly fits all of the more abstract criteria much better than many other fics on this list.
The gist of the plot is that Harry Potter and Hermione Granger wind up on on one of the Colonial refugee ships as a result of finding a mothballed Furling ship which they accidentally activate, but the setup isn’t overly important and the flaws in chapter 1 are irrelevant once chapter 2 rolls around and they’re in space.
What makes this story so special is how satisfyingly deep its focus on the cylons and its world-building really are. While it does technically star Harry and Hermione as the main characters, it would be more accurate to say that, once the story gets going, they are revealed to merely be important players in a much larger narrative.
If you like lore, this is the fic for you. If you ever wished the cylons had been developed more as characters in general, this is the fic for you. If you like Galactica crossovers that don’t feel like the crossover characters are trying to steal the show, this is the fic for you.
Going Native by Rap541
Length: 156,591 Words
Status: Complete* with sequel
Crossover: Star Trek: The Next Generation
Strongest Element:Keeping a personal focus despite the scale of things
“What if Felix Gaeta were a Starfleet officer, stranded in the Beta quadrant on his first mission, and had to build a deep cover identity?” That’s the question that spawned this fic.
The story starts in a counselling session with Deanna Troi after the fleet has already made contact with the Enterprise, then bounces around from person to person (both Federation and Colonial)… something that it does quite well.
A big part of that success is probably down to this being half a first contact story, focused through the individual characters involved, and half a story about exploring this interpretation of Felix Gaeta as a character. The combination provides a nice balance that, while having similarities to The Consequences of Not Being Polite, is still quite different.
It’s a bit on the angsty side, but still a good read and it’s got its own uniquely clever ideas for various cylon-related things.
* This story is complete but isn’t marked as complete. As I remember, it predates’s support for supplying such metadata.
The Phoenix and the Wolverine by clavina
Length: 583,657 Words
Status: Incomplete
Crossover: X-Men, Star Trek (post-Voyager)
Strongest Element: World-building, lore, characters in general
This is one that is good for all the same reasons as Gods Among Us.Same abstract plot of taking a male and female hero who care for each other from the 20th-century and dropping them in a ship in the path of the Colonial fleet. Same heavy focus on the cylons as characters. Same heavy supply of world-building.What makes this one distinctive is how it accomplishes that.

First, it’s a multi-cross, combining X-Men, Star Trek, and Battlestar Galactica into a fused universe where the Eugenics Wars of Star Trek canon grew out of an attempt to create non-mutant super soldiers to “solve the mutant problem”.

Second, it uses Q Junior from Star Trek as a way to make the idea of a powerful author self-insert a bit more plausible… especially when the rest of the Q decide that he’s overstepped and lock him into the abilities he was professing when claiming to be the Emergency Medical and Engineering Hologram for the ship he built.

Speaking of the ship, there’s another difference. In Gods Among Us, the Furling ship used up its energy and Harry and Hermione don’t know how to use it. In this, you have a fully functional Federation-design ship helping the Colonials.

I don’t want to go into too much detail, but I will say that it’s good with its characters in general, from portraying Logan as intelligent but having no patience for machinations to having the Xavier’s computer start to develop into an A.I. in his own right.

It is a bit sloppy about its technicals early on (Sometimes, it talks about exiting hyperspace rather than exiting warp and it does have the occasional typo such as “of cause” or “wrap drive”.) but it’s not as bad about it as Contact at Kobol and I enjoy it very much.


These are stories which, while they’re good, don’t quite make the cut for reasons I’ll explain on a case-by-case basis:

Worldwar: Discovering the Balance by AlbertG
Length: Multiple Volumes
Status: 3 completed stories, 1 Incomplete
Crossover: Stargate: SG-1, Harry Turtledove’s Worldwar
Strongest Element: Focusing on individual OCs who have to deal with the violation of their expectations.
The main reason this story is a runner-up is that it’s hard to truly characterize it as a proper “BSG: Earth-contact” story.While the Colonies do come to play a major role and one volume does focus entirely on them, the story starts with the Worldwar-SG1 aspects and the Galactica stuff not only feels like an alternative take on RAAB, this story is supposedly intended to be set in the same multiverse and I feel like a reference to one of the other AlbertG-Bob Regent stories in the shared meta-setting only cheapens it by needlessly referencing an off-screen-and-before-story-start war with the Vorlons.That said, it’s still a story I liked enough to re-read. The basic plot is:

  1. A while before the story started, the Prometheus did encounter The 12 Colonies, but they parted without the colonies finding out where Earth is.
  2. The Race from Turtledove’s books arrives a few decades later than in canon and get a big shock when, instead of conquering the knights on horseback that they planned for, they’re met by a starship more advanced than their fleet in every way.
  3. The Race, being The Race, are forced to cope with a species that can crush them and refuses to acknowledge their ownership papers for “Tosev 3”, when they’ve not had to deal with the universe violating their expectations for ten thousand years.
  4. Because Gaius Baltar didn’t get fooled, the last handful of Cylon refugees wind up fleeing into Earth’s solar system by accident, where they successfully petition Earth for asylum.
  5. Earth manages to drive off the pursuing Colonials with no losses.
  6. The rest of the plot ensues.

If you want something that’s got similar elements to RAAB, but is mainly focused on forcing foreign cultures to face the fact that their expectations are wrong and then have them slowly develop relations with Earth as that happens, you’ll like this. I like how it develops its original characters to achieve said goals.

Contact at Kobol by wilkins75
Length: 478,758
Status: Complete
Crossover: Stargate: SG-1
Strongest Element: Having a boots-on-the-ground-oriented approach to a war without boring me into losing interest
If you wanted something similar in concept to RAAB, but with things escalating to a boots-on-the-ground invasion of The 12 Colonies, this is your story. I’ve always found following soldiers on the ground to make a story more boring, so I think the fact that I was willing to read this story to the end speaks well for it, even if I’ve yet to read it again.The main difference between this and the other SG-1 crossovers is probably that it takes place a little further in the future, when Earth has had time to study Asgard technology a bit and are about to reveal the Stargate so they can ease overpopulation in countries like India via a colony they’ve just finished building on a planet they’ve named Valhalla.The first encounter between Earth ships setting picket stations and a Colonial patrol along the Cylon border ends in disaster when the colonials mistake them for Cylons and lose several battlestars in the resulting skirmish.

While cooler heads do manage to arrange a diplomatic contact, relations eventually devolve (partly due to the discovery that Earth’s new colony is actually Kobol) and this eventually precipitates a war, which then gets stoked when a screw-up by a Colonial battlestar results in Disneyland Valhalla getting nuked.

I don’t want to spoil too much, so I’ll leave you to read the other memorable details yourself.

The main flaw I should mention is that it could use a second proofreading… but the typos aren’t excessive and it’s still perfectly readable.

UPDATE 2017-11-14: There is now also a sequel in progress which is better-proofread and mixes in Harry Turtledove’s Worldwar with a satisfying amount of focus on an apparently OC world that humanity chooses to help liberate from The Race.

Finally, I’ll point to Valkyrie by GreyWolfKnight as a completed self-insert that, while not about contact with Earth, is a well-written story that has it as part of the climax… just in case you or I need help re-identifying it and can only remember that aspect.

Posted in Fanfiction | Leave a comment

Tidying up Amazon wishlist printouts

Whenever I visit the used games store, I like to bring a printout of my wishlist, since it’s easier to work with than a tiny screen. However, Amazon, for reasons that escape me, decided that print versions would somehow benefit from having entries mention that the Amazon offering at the time of printing was from a third-party seller.

That’s just distracting and unhelpful, so here’s a userstyle to fix it. I would have uploaded it to as usual, but there’s some kind of bug in their validator.

Amazon – Hide “Offered by ” in print wishlists
Remove unnecessary clutter from Amazon’s waitlist printouts to make them easier to skim-read.
Preview Image:
@namespace url(;

@-moz-document regexp("https?://(www\\.)?amazon\\.[.a-z]+/gp/registry/wishlist/.*)?\?(.*&)?layout=standard-print(&.*)?$") {
    td.g-title span { display: none !important; }

Enjoy. 🙂

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Sci-fi and Fantasy: Why They Differ and Why You’d Blend Them

I’ve been wanting to post more regularly, so I decided share some of the insights for the book on plotting out stories that’s been on my TODO list for a while. (Embarassingly, I’ve actually wanted to do that for a while, but I haven’t been taking my own advice that perfectionism is bad if it prevents you from ever getting anything done.)

As a way to bite the bullet, I’ll start by sharing something I just realized yesterday: The fundamental difference between science-fiction and fantasy.

It all began yesterday when I found myself puzzling over why authors like Anne McCaffrey (Dragonriders of Pern) and Marion Zimmer Bradley (Darkover) chose to write what were essentially fantasy stories, but give each setting a sci-fi backstory. (Both settings are the result of colony missions regressing socially and technologically.)

Think about that for a moment. You’re starting from a clean slate, you won’t be writing about the colony’s fall any time soon (assuming this one is successful), and you have full creative control… so why would you choose to mix science-fiction and fantasy in this way?

I puzzled over it for a bit, then mentioned it to my brother, and he pointed out what I was missing: Fantasy and science-fiction embody different perspectives on the world. (Another piece of advice from my notes. Never underestimate the value of bringing in alternative points of view.)

Science fiction, as we know it, began with Mary Shelley’s “Frankenstein: Or, The Modern Prometheus” (also the first example of what we now call “speculative fiction”) and has a strong history of looking at the world as it is, rationally exploring its warts and caveats and annoying shades of grey in all their detail and nuance. (Given how much movie adaptations have had to simplify it, I strongly recommend following the link above to a public domain copy of Frankenstein on Project Gutenberg.)

Fantasy, by contrast, looks at the world as our instincts and emotions wish it were. It revels in black-and-white conflicts, magical powers, and embodying points of view in individuals who you can like or hate. (Because, for better or for worse, something deep down in us wants a name and a face to blame when bad things happen. Nothing is more uncomfortable and dehumanizing than the helpless feeling of being denied even the bitter solace of hatred and a desire for revenge. Better to cling to the belief in a god or a conspiracy or what have you, than to accept that you were so insignificant and impotent as to have your life destroyed by a mindless, random act of nature.)

I especially want to focus on that part about turning characters into avatars for viewpoints and moral stances. What are gods but creating someone to blame for the actions of abstract forces? What is magic, but a way of “fixing” the fact that we are small and weak in the face of a big, scary, unpredictable, uncontrollable universe? (And what a “lever” to give to those tiny, weak humans in a story, so they’ll have the strength to “move the world” without getting lost in a sea of faces?)

(I suspect this is also why I hear of many more fantasy epics than sci-fi epics. An epic is a story about a small, seemingly ordinary person proving their worth and changing the world, and fantasy’s narrative tendencies would exert a stronger bias in that direction than sci-fi.)

This distinction is actually the key to why Bradley and McCaffrey wrote their stories as “fantasy settings in sci-fi universes”. Every story needs to set up a frame of reference, so the readers know how to judge what they’re reading. In Douglas Adams’s Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy series, that frame of reference is Arthur Dent, the ordinary Brit who tells the reader what normal is, so they can properly judge just how ridiculous, silly, and downright insane the setting is.

In the Pern and Darkover series, setting the fantasy world within a sci-fi universe is the author’s way of saying, both to the readers and to themself, that “this setting may have the trappings of fantasy, but the narrative style is following sci-fi rules”. Dragons and lord holders, keepers and magic… but, underlying it all, the recognition that this is a rational universe, which demands a certain degree of deference to the complexity and nuance of its happenings and its inhabitants. No matter how much power one may have in these universes, magic cannot craft a true and simple solution to a complex problem any more than Superman can punch clinical depression.

Now, that’s not to say that this dichotomy is inherent or without exceptions… but this sort of hybrid setting does serve as a very useful shortcut. It’s a good shorthand for telling potential readers to expect a certain type of look at a feudal-esque society and it saves you the trouble of having to strike what may be a difficult balance. You don’t want to flood your readers with needless detail, but you’ve chosen to write a story where the narrative style encourages readers to pick things apart, looking for holes… and we already know that the real world is internally consistent enough to satisfy. (Which is why this also works for fantasy-contemporary hybrids, like the Harry Potter series. The key is to temper fantasy’s more “expect anything” aspects by tying the story to something we judge more strictly.)

So, in conclusion, setting your fantasy in a “mundane” universe is useful as a way to get a certain kind of setup done more quickly so you can get to the meat of your story. Feel free to use it… just do it because it advances your goal as an author, rather than because you’re trying to copy the feel that someone else’s works give you.

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Splitting CamelCase without Regex lookahead/lookbehind

I’ve been working to port the brains of my game launcher experiment from Python to Rust for easier refactoring and to eventually offer language bindings other than Python itself and, at the moment, I’m working on the “filename to title” heuristic, because that’s got the best unit test suite.

Surprise, surprise. The biggest time-sink has been redesigning things where the Python version uses regular expressions with lookbehind and lookahead expressions.

Well, the CamelCase-processing regular expression faked me out. If you search for answers, it seems every language is using some variation of this regex:


…and, since Rust’s Regex crate uses a DFA to avoid pathological performance, this wasn’t an option.

I wasted an afternoon trying to implement such a parser manually before it occurred to me that you don’t actually need lookahead/lookbehind to parse camelcase!

It seems that someone originally wrote that regex with the goal of getting accurate string indexes for the starts of words, then everyone else copy-pasted and translated it without recognizing that it was stricter than necessary.

UPDATE: There is one situation where the lack of lookahead has to be worked around which I somehow overlooked… any situation where you need to insert a space before and after the same character. (ie. words like “I” and “A” in the middle of a phrase.) The solution there is just to run the regex twice.

So, if you just want to insert spaces (without duplicating ones that are already there), and you want to enhance the algorithm to handle numbers and ampersands reasonably and you want it to work in Rust’s regex engine, here’s how you do it:

r"([a-z&])([&A-Z0-9])|([^ ])([A-Z][a-z])|([0-9])([a-z])"

…and then use this as your replacement string:

"${1}${3}${5} ${2}${4}${6}"

It passes every test in my unit test suite for CamelCase splitting and improves the accuracy score on the integration test corpus for the filename_to_name function which relies on it.

UPDATE #2: I got to playing with the Regex crate’s support for unicode character classes and I have two things to report:

First, you actually do need a fourth pair of capture groups to split “A&b” because of the “ampersand, followed by lowercase” situation.

Second, for anyone who wants it, here’s a fully commented Rust regexp which will process CamelCase written using any mix of what the Unicode database considers to be letters (lowercase, uppercase, or titlecase), numbers (decimal digits, letters, or other), and the four different kinds of ampersands I was able to find:

 # == Ampersand (definitely end) followed by anything not already whitespace ==
 # ('Ampersand' or 'Small Ampersand', or 'Fullwidth Ampersand' or...
 # 'Heavy Ampersand Ornament')
 # (Something not 'Separator, Space')

 # == OR ==

 # == Lower/titlecase (possible end) followed by upper/titlecase/number (possible start) ==
 # ('Letter, Lowercase' or 'Letter, Titlecase', 'Ampersand' or 'Small Ampersand', or...
 # 'Fullwidth Ampersand' or 'Heavy Ampersand Ornament')
 # ('Letter, Uppercase' or 'Number, Decimal Digit' or 'Number, Letter' or...
 # 'Number, Other' or 'Ampersand' or 'Small Ampersand' or...
 # 'Fullwidth Ampersand' or 'Heavy Ampersand Ornament')

 # == OR ==

 # == Number followed by an un-capitalized word ==
 # ('Number, Decimal Digit' or 'Number, Letter' or 'Number, Other')
 # ('Letter, Lowercase')

 # == OR ==

 # == Anything not whitespace, followed by ampersand or unambiguous beginnings of word ==
 # (Something not 'Separator, Space')
 # ('Letter, Titlecase' or ['Letter, Uppercase' followed by 'Letter, Lowercase'] or...
 # 'Ampersand' or 'Small Ampersand' or 'Fullwidth Ampersand' or ...
 # 'Heavy Ampersand Ornament')
 (\p{Lt} | \p{Lu}\p{Ll} | [\x{26}\x{FE60}\x{FF06}\x{1F674}])


"${1}${3}${5}${7} ${2}${4}${6}${8}"

Before you get scared, it’s actually just the Unicode version of the tiny regexp with a ton of explanatory comments and a little more ampersand matching. It’s very simple once you throw out the comments and understand the structure.

The regular expression matches any of four situations where a space should be inserted:

  • An ampersand followed by anything that isn’t whitespace (this is the one I split out)
  • A lowercase or titlecase (upper+lower in one character) letter followed by an uppercase/titlecase letter or a number.
  • A number followed by an un-capitalized letter.
  • Anything not whitespace, followed by an ampersand, titlecase letter, or <UPPER><lower> pair.

Once you ignore the comments, most of the verbosity comes from having to combine multiple unicode character literals or classes to say things like…

  • “any ampersand” ([\x{26}\x{FE60}\x{FF06}\x{1F674}])
  • “any type of number” ([\p{Nd}\p{Nl}\p{No}])

The advantage is that, because it delegates the lower-level details to the Unicode lookup tables for everything but the ampersands, any failure should result from the language being so alien that the concept of CamelCase itself is difficult to apply to it.

UPDATE #3: Replace chained OR tokens with compound character classes where possible for minor cache pressure savings in the regexp engine.

It’s still a heavy regexp (I was chatting with burntsushi on IRC when the idea occurred to me and, if anyone should have the expertise to judge that, it’s the author of the Regex crate), but it meets my needs, it’s easy to tweak as I further refine my heuristic guesser, and if I ever need something more performant, writing this has taught me enough about the problem that I should be able to write a manual solution.

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