Having reviewed my schedule, I now know I may not be able to find very much time to post for a while. As such, I’ve cleaned up my Fanfiction.net favorites lists and at least 90% of the stories listed are stories I haven’t had time to review.
I will continue to add stories as I find time to do so and I’ll add a link to it from the main site during it’s next update.
In case you’re wondering why I haven’t written any fanfiction, let me say this: I’d like to, I have ideas, and I don’t write crap. The problem is that I have trouble allowing even my first drafts to be crap so I end up stalling and getting side-tracked into things I can do with less trial and error (like writing programs).
Favorites without Reviews by Stephan Sokolow is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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