Monthly Archives: February 2018

Fanfiction – Magical Mystery Oops

Well, the last fic I covered reminded me of another MLP fic I wanted to re-read. This one is also a “Twilight Sparkle becomes something” fic (this time, a draconequus), it’s also good and memorable, and, if Ascend had a … Continue reading

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Music – Instrumental MLP Fan-songs

Sorry for not having a fanfic review ready today. Not only was my week a mess, a programming project consumed all of the leisure time I’d normally use for re-reading an old favourite fanfic. Instead, I decided to spotlight some … Continue reading

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Free Installer Creators for All Eras

UPDATE 2021-12-19: Added Installer and InstallerLG for AmigaOS and derivatives Since my list of installer-construction resources has grown so huge, I thought I’d move it out of my list of DOS/Win16 programming resources into its own post. After all, it … Continue reading

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Fanfiction – Ascend

This time, I decided to go for something full-length, but My Little Pony… because that’s just the mood I’ve been in recently. Ascend by xTSGx This one’s noteworthy because it beat canon to something that evoked quite a bit of … Continue reading

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Fanfiction – Needless Gender Confusion

Needless Gender Confusion by Sarah1281 This is another crackfic oneshot, because I still haven’t had time to take notes on anything longer… specifically, it’s a Naruto oneshot which was probably inspired by the variety of reactions in the Naruto fandom … Continue reading

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