The Vanished FanFiction Archive

The Vanished Fanfiction Archive

Ever read a wonderful fic, and then go to tell a friend a few years later and find that the site is dead? In most cases, authors have the foresight to also send their fics to somewhere like or the RAAC archive, but not always. “Quantum Destinies” and “Trial by Tenderness” are two notable examples.

That’s where my new site comes in. Whenever I become aware of a decent fanfic that has dropped off the web because the author seems to have vanished, I’ll do my best to dig up a copy, and then share it. In some cases, it’s as simple as digging into the 300MB+ personal archive of fiction that has built up thanks to my “save it as you read it” policy.

Give it a look. You may just find a new old favorite.

CC BY-SA 4.0 The Vanished FanFiction Archive by Stephan Sokolow is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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2 Responses to The Vanished FanFiction Archive

  1. Duggan says:

    Excellent idea! It reminds me of Luba Kmetyk’s Bootleg Fan-Fiction section at Fonts of Wisdom ( I am extremely sad when I try to find a story and discover that it’s disappeared. *wry grin* Even more depressing when an excellent story just dries up and dies (still not quite over Ranma fics Hearts of Ice or Girl Days… let alone Teineina Tenshi no Teze. Heck, I’m a bit worried over the slip in update schedules for the Harry Potter story Realizations.). But, then again, what can you do? It could be worse… I could be a Wheel of Time fan.

  2. ssokolow says:

    I discovered fanfiction via the Anime Addventure, so I was immunized to dead stories early on.

    Of course, if any story deserves to be continued, it’s Girl Days. As for Realizations, it’s going very slowly, but it is going. (I’ve been in the Yahoo group since shortly before the update schedule started slipping)

    Re: WoT, it’s really too bad Fire didn’t continue The Use of Power beyond one chapter. I don’t normally read WoT, but that WoT/SM crossover is an exception.

    Finally, and more generally, I am working on a fic of my own (AU Ranma fic) and, because I don’t want to be one of those people who drops off before it’s finished, I won’t be releasing it until I’ve finished the “beta draft” in it’s entirety. That way, if I have to drop it, I can dump the entire beta version onto the web.

    Thaks for the comment. It’s refreshing to see the occasional decent one. (The akismet plugin for WordPress catches several dozen spam per day.)

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