About the Author
I'm Stephan, a Linux user with a passion for open-source, UI/UX design, and exploring what makes fiction work.
In my spare time, I focus on (and write about):
- Programming (mainly in Python and Rust)
- Retrocomputing (mostly DOS but, as of January 2023, I also own a machine running Mac OS 9.2)
- Reading and Reviewing Fiction
- The odd bit of UI/UX design or literary theory
For notification of significant updates to existing posts, consider following me on Mastodon.
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Geek Links
Otaku Links
Daily Archives: 2005-02-21
New batch of links, some Google Bombing, feminism, and Walmart
Have you ever heard of Google Bombing? Neither had I. (Well, it sounded familiar) It turns out that Google Bombing means to legitimately exploit the fact that google treats links to pages as popularity votes for those pages. So, I’ve … Continue reading
Posted in Web Wandering & Opinion
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